Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Why Fall is Awesome

In no particular order:
  • The slowing and then cessation of weeds to be pulled in my flowerbeds.
  • School starting and providing Rachel with entertainment, playtime and stimulation for nearly 3 hours every weekday.
  • No more sweating through temperatures in the 90s and 100s with no air conditioning in the house.
  • Getting to wear cozy sweaters again.
  • Sitting by a crackling fire, and smelling wood smoke in the air.
  • Celebrating my wedding anniversary (which, technically, is still during the summer, but it's after school starts, so I'm counting it).
  • Dressing up Rachel, and now Ben, in cute Halloween costumes.
  • The start of many of my favorite TV shows.
  • Giving thanks with family and friends over a big turkey dinner and relaxing with them afterwards.
  • Having one-on-one time with Ben now that Rachel is back in school during the mornings.
  • Birthday presents.
  • The gloriously vibrant colors of the changing leaves on the trees.
  • Enjoying the blowing winds and falling rain while sheltered in a nice warm house.
  • Hosting a pumpkin carving party.
  • Visiting the Woodland Park Zoo and watching the animals enjoy their pumpkins - especially the big brown bears.
  • Soup! Stews! Frequent crockpot meals! Yum!
  • Not having to worry if it will be too warm to use the oven when making dinner.
  • Anticipating the Christmas season.