Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Busy, Busy, Dreadfully Busy

It's amazing how busy I can be sometimes now that I stay at home full-time.  I used to think I would have long boring stretches of the day where I didn't have enough to do.  Not everything I do is all that exciting, but it is frequently productive (decluttering, cleaning), useful (putting away laundry, keeping up with the dishes) and/or valuable in the long run (doing my best to teach our children to be well-behaved and respectful, to uphold their part of things in the household and to love Jesus).  And my to-do list always has things that need to be done, so it's not like I just sit around thinking "Boy, if I just had more to do."  Much better than the job I had in my mid-twenties where I was the only person in the office 95% of the time and only had enough work to fill up maybe 15% of the day, and that was on a good day.

One might think "That sounds awesome!", but this was before the internet was in common usage.  I spent my days  playing minesweeper and hearts, working on a huge cross-stitch picture with different kinds of wild cats, reading books and even occasionally locking the door, curling up in the easy chair and taking a nap.  No one came into the office except a delivery person from FedEx, every once in a blue moon.  I was a temp and it was a long-term assignment, and I was preparing to move out of state.  Otherwise, there's no way I could have stayed in that job even for the six months I was there.  I'd much rather be really busy than have hardly anything to do and a bunch of time to fill.

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