Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Weight Loss Progress

To put it simply, there has been none. My biggest problem is probably snacking at night when I go down to the family room to watch TV with James. I also ride the exercise bike, but not enough to offset the snacks I eat sometimes. And it's doing me less good if I'm also eating something; otherwise, I'd be working off calories for some of the stuff I'd already eaten at meals.

I had a scrapbooking day here on Saturday, and,among the food I had set out for people to eat were wheat thins, carrots, cucumbers and lowfat dip. My friend Gilda brought some very tasty grapes, too. So throughout the day I found myself largely snacking on those things, along with a few potato chips here and there, but basically eating healthy. I think I need to have more things sitting out like that on a regular basis so that I'm grabbing what's handy (healthy options) instead of searching through the cupboards for what might sound good at the moment (usually not as healthy options).

Also, for the last two evenings, I've been working on making sailboats for Ben's nursery out of foamboard. We didn't get his nursery room back until he was 7 months old, and it was in the dead of winter. We haven't painted it yet (waiting for a little warmer weather) and I haven't gotten any decorating done, which is just sad. So I'm working on the sailboats to get some of the room decor finished and ready to put up when the room is painted. Initially I was going to put them up, then take them down for painting, then put them back up. But I'm probably going to end up with about a dozen sailboats of varying sizes that will need to be affixed to the wall with that sticky poster-hanging stuff, and I so don't want to take them all down to paint, only to have to put them all up again. Instead, I think I want to get the room painted in March, then get the sailboats up, some stencils painted of beachy things and just get it all knocked out.

Ben needs a fun room to hang out in and more interesting things to look at during diaper changes. Not that he'll actually lay still and cooperate for diaper changes, but maybe it'll distract him for a few seconds, at least!

Anyway, all that was to say that working on the sailboats has been keeping my hands busy, which means I haven't been snacking. Especially on things like buttery popcorn, which would like greasy marks on the foam. So I think another key to weight loss for me is to find things to do with my hands when I'm watching TV so that I don't end up using them to stuff snacks into my mouth.

Hopefully I'll have a better progress report in a month or so. Time's a-wasting and Rachel's birthday (my goal for losing 33 pounds) is fast approaching. I'm not sure I'll reach the goal by then, but if I've made good progress, I'll be feeling good and will be motivated to make it the rest of the way.

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