Thursday, April 16, 2009

"I Can't Believe I Have to See His Idiot Stupid Face Again"

was what I said when I realized that Coach had not, in fact, been voted off of Survivor last night. I so cannot stand that man. He apparently misled his employers to believe he was dealing with a brain tumor in order to get time off to be in Survivor. So that pretty much tells you about his character and integrity.

He's a Steven Seagal wannabe who tells the biggest crock-of-crap stories and thinks he's a strategic genius. He spends so much time patting his own back that it's amazing he doesn't have permanent muscle strain. And you can tell that he tries so hard to say things that he thinks will be included in the show's edits. And the irritating thing is that they are, but you can tell the editors and producers don't like him, either, by how they're editing some of the music and cuts. So at least I know I'm not alone in thinking he's a massive tool. I can only hope that the tribe will soon turn on him and get rid of him so the rest of their stay can be more pleasant.

The only Survivor I can think of who compares in terms of how much I disliked them was Jerri Manthey, but I think I actually dislike Coach more and will be happier to see him go. I really hope he doesn't make it to final 4, or at least final 2. I'd just like to say "Thank you, former Jalapao tribe, for making the choice that caused this season to turn in a very sucky direction."

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