Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Time

So lately this blog has been turning into a series of clips and links, and while those are fun, I don't want that to be all that's contained here. I frequently think of something to write about when I'm not at the computer or am in the middle of something else, then either forget about it or don't get around to it in a timely manner.

It just seems like there's always something else to be done. Much of that is keeping up with the housework. I'm astounded by how much time is spent just on getting all the dishes, placemats and bibs clean. There seem to be too many handwash items, but I don't think that can be avoided when you have kids. I try to keep on top of them so it doesn't build up too much in one day. Plus there's all the other regular housework, getting the kids ready for the day, meals, changing Ben's diaper, playing with them, giving baths, taking Rachel to school and picking her up, putting receipts into our budgeting program, pulling weeds, pruning bushes, watering plants and the grass, making meals, taking Rachel to dance class, choir, small group, church, young women's fellowship...there's a lot going on.

Then there are things like visiting with James' parents regularly, seeing my mom, fitting in a scrapbooking day once a month, trips to the library, meal planning and grocery-list making, grocery and household shopping, lunch with James once a week and exercise.

Wow, when I write all that down, it seems a little overwhelming. And it's certainly no surprise that I'm having trouble finding time to blog. But our lives are full in a good way. Not that I would object to hiring someone to clean our house once a week when our budget allows for it someday, but we're blessed by God with a comfortable home, family nearby, 2 beautiful (even if they're challenging at times) children, warm-hearted friends, a solidly grounded church and responsibilities that help us to feel productive. We are truly blessed beyond measure and grateful.

So now I need to carve out a few minutes here and there to occasionally write about things that are more personal or have more depth. Nothing wrong with pop culture, but I don't want this to solely be about pop culture.

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