Tuesday, April 28, 2009

More Time

So lately this blog has been turning into a series of clips and links, and while those are fun, I don't want that to be all that's contained here. I frequently think of something to write about when I'm not at the computer or am in the middle of something else, then either forget about it or don't get around to it in a timely manner.

It just seems like there's always something else to be done. Much of that is keeping up with the housework. I'm astounded by how much time is spent just on getting all the dishes, placemats and bibs clean. There seem to be too many handwash items, but I don't think that can be avoided when you have kids. I try to keep on top of them so it doesn't build up too much in one day. Plus there's all the other regular housework, getting the kids ready for the day, meals, changing Ben's diaper, playing with them, giving baths, taking Rachel to school and picking her up, putting receipts into our budgeting program, pulling weeds, pruning bushes, watering plants and the grass, making meals, taking Rachel to dance class, choir, small group, church, young women's fellowship...there's a lot going on.

Then there are things like visiting with James' parents regularly, seeing my mom, fitting in a scrapbooking day once a month, trips to the library, meal planning and grocery-list making, grocery and household shopping, lunch with James once a week and exercise.

Wow, when I write all that down, it seems a little overwhelming. And it's certainly no surprise that I'm having trouble finding time to blog. But our lives are full in a good way. Not that I would object to hiring someone to clean our house once a week when our budget allows for it someday, but we're blessed by God with a comfortable home, family nearby, 2 beautiful (even if they're challenging at times) children, warm-hearted friends, a solidly grounded church and responsibilities that help us to feel productive. We are truly blessed beyond measure and grateful.

So now I need to carve out a few minutes here and there to occasionally write about things that are more personal or have more depth. Nothing wrong with pop culture, but I don't want this to solely be about pop culture.

Saving Chuck

If you haven't seen Chuck, you're missing out. The show is a great combination of humor, romance, adventure and drama, and last night's season (and hopefully not series) finale contained all of them in one hugely entertaining package. If you're a fan of Chuck and would like to express your support to NBC, you can click on this link, choose "Chuck" from the pulldown, and write an e-mail asking them to renew the show:


Usually when a letter or e-mail is received about a show, the network figures there are dozens of other viewers represented who didn't write in, so it counts for something.

I really hope NBC keeps this show on the air and allows the storylines to continue moving forward.

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Three Day Rule

According to Barney Stinson on How I Met Your Mother, 3 days is the appropriate number a man should wait before calling a woman whose phone number he's just gotten. Why? Because of Jesus:

Friday, April 17, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

"I Can't Believe I Have to See His Idiot Stupid Face Again"

was what I said when I realized that Coach had not, in fact, been voted off of Survivor last night. I so cannot stand that man. He apparently misled his employers to believe he was dealing with a brain tumor in order to get time off to be in Survivor. So that pretty much tells you about his character and integrity.

He's a Steven Seagal wannabe who tells the biggest crock-of-crap stories and thinks he's a strategic genius. He spends so much time patting his own back that it's amazing he doesn't have permanent muscle strain. And you can tell that he tries so hard to say things that he thinks will be included in the show's edits. And the irritating thing is that they are, but you can tell the editors and producers don't like him, either, by how they're editing some of the music and cuts. So at least I know I'm not alone in thinking he's a massive tool. I can only hope that the tribe will soon turn on him and get rid of him so the rest of their stay can be more pleasant.

The only Survivor I can think of who compares in terms of how much I disliked them was Jerri Manthey, but I think I actually dislike Coach more and will be happier to see him go. I really hope he doesn't make it to final 4, or at least final 2. I'd just like to say "Thank you, former Jalapao tribe, for making the choice that caused this season to turn in a very sucky direction."

Wii the People

James had been thinking about getting a Wii (and Wii Fit) using some money he'd gotten for Christmas and his birthday. After hearing about a friend who'd lost 4 pounds in a week with his Wii Fit, we decided to take the plunge.

The machine itself seems to weigh erratically, so I don't trust what it's telling me about weight gained or lost, but I'll be keeping an eye on my own scale. And in the 7 days we've gotten it, I've exercised for at least 30 minutes (that's 30 minutes of actual movement, since the Wii also spends time setting up the exercises and doesn't count that in your usage) every day but one. That was the day before Easter, and I was way too crazed with getting things prepared to take the time to use it, although now I wish I'd made the time.

At any rate, I'm now motivated to exercise daily because it's actually fun, and because of the competition factor. James and I have each set up a profile (or "Mii"), and I think we're both fairly competitive, so we each want to get the high score on the various exercises. Plus, you're competing with yourself and trying to do better each day, so you're pushing yourself in that way, too.

I started with the Balance and Aerobics components and added Yoga a few days later. I can already tell I'm improving with my breathing, posture, balance and flexibility. It's great to be able to see progress so quickly. It inspires me to keep going.

The other motivating factor is that when you start up the Wii and take the Body Test (where it checks your weight, BMI, balance, etc.), you get a stamp on your Mii's calendar. So I don't want to miss another day and have a stampless day on my calendar.

So while I had a poor start this year on working towards my weight loss goal of 30+ pounds, I feel like I'm now establishing some great workout habits, and those are also trickling into my eating habits a bit. Hopefully I'll find that to be more true as I continue working out and start to see more outward results.

Friday, April 10, 2009

YouTube has the Coolest Things

I saw a link to this on another website. This man was a contestant on Britain's Got Talent. Prior to the contest, he was a salesman in a cellphone store. He'd had vocal training and had performed in half a dozen operas as an amateur. He went on to win Britain's Got Talent and has now established a career as a classical recording artist. The below performance even put a big grin on Simon Cowell's face.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Epitome of Awesomeness

Okay, I have been seriously slacking when it comes to blogging. To that end, I'd like to make it up to all 3 of my readers by posting a video of the best segment of reality television EVER.

If you watched The Amazing Race that season, you'd know that Colin was an excellent racer for the most part, but he'd go from 0 to 11 on the rage chart pretty much immediately when he encountered frustrations like this ox. He was also an arrogant twit. And his racing partner, Christie, could not be more useless in this segment if she tried. She was the only partner who didn't get right out in the field to begin with and help look for the race clue, and they were the only team who took nearly that long to find it.

This was sweet, sweet justice.