Tuesday, January 13, 2009

When I'm Tempted to Eat a Blizzard...

...I need to remember that:
  • Blizzards are over with way too quickly.
  • The momentary pleasure is not worth the lingering guilt and the desire that I hadn't set myself back in losing weight.
  • They're a waste of money.
  • I end up having to give Rachel sugar or she'd whine and beg and I'd never hear the end of it.
In short, Blizzards should be a very-seldom-eaten treat and are not to be consumed in times of emotional stress, no matter how deep the crap I'm currently wading through.


  1. Yes indeed.

    And so often treats are consumed too quickly to be enjoyed during emotional duress - so my plan is to PLAN a date for a treat that I'm going to be by myself to enjoy it and take my time with it

  2. They are not a waste of money. The other things are true, but are acceptable.

    Make the Blizzard a goal reward.

  3. I ALWAYS drink a glass a cold water before eating sugar... for some reason... the craving almost ALWAYS goes away...

  4. Good tip, Sarah! I've never tried that but will keep it in mind when I just want to stuff my face with something decadently sweet. Thanks!
