Thursday, November 5, 2009

Finding Time to Get Organized

I've decided to try out Remember the Milk, an online to-do list manager, to see if it can help me be more organized and focused. James has been using it for some time now and really likes it. I set up my own account because his has quite a few task lists already, so I figured it would be better for my purposes to keep it simple and easy to find my own stuff.

I'm trying to figure out if I should start setting up my lists right now, or if I should go do some of the things I know need to be done and create my lists later. I think I'm going for the "do stuff now" option because Ben is napping, so it's a good time to exercise and do the things that are hard to do when he's awake, like cleaning bathrooms.

I'm feeling optimistic about being able to tackle more things once I can see them all in one place. It also will give me a specific place to put items like projects to do around the house, one-time tasks that I don't have to keep transferring from one sheet of paper to the next when I get through a few days or a week and need to make a new list, reminders for things I need to do in the future, etc. Some of the things are things for which I'm currently using my Google Calendar, but I can clean that up a little by moving things to RTM.

Hopefully it will be a big help to me and and it won't start to feel like a hassle to keep it updated. I think it will give me satisfaction in being able to check things off and see them disappear from my list. Plus I can always print out my to-do list if I want to be able to take a hard copy around the house with me, or have the sensory experience of actually crossing something off.

It's just hard to make the time to get organized, but I think if I spend a few minutes here and a few minutes there building my lists, it won't take me long before I have things recorded there and can stop saying "Where is my notebook?" when it's gone AWOL.

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