Sunday, November 29, 2009

Nearing the Finish Line

Well, it's day 29 of NaBloPoMo, and this is my 29th post. I wasn't sure at the beginning if I could do it, and some days I've had to stretch a bit to come up with something. If I had more spare time, I could easily find things to blog about every day, I'm sure, but sometimes I just need something I can quickly post and be done with it. I'm proud of myself for having kept up with blogging each day. I've been wanting to become more consistent with it for a long time now, and I'm hoping this is a habit that will continue. I don't know if I'll blog every day after tomorrow. In fact, I'm sure I'll miss days here and there, but I'd like to post at least a few times a week, and more when there are lots of things I feel like talking about.

But for now, I need to wind down my brain so that I can fall asleep soon and get a decent amount of sleep before starting a new week. I think Rachel will be happy to be back in school tomorrow and I'm already thinking about ways to keep her busy during the 2-week break for Christmas and New Year's. At least one overnight stay at Grandma's place will be part of that time; not sure what else yet, but I'll think of things.

Have a great week!

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