Saturday, November 28, 2009

Way to Go, American Inventors

Apparently I've been under a rock somewhere, because tonight I found out about "truck nuts." If you, like me, have also been under a rock, here is Wikipedia's definition:

"Truck nuts, also known as truck balls, BumperNuts, BumperBalls, or truck scrotums, are accessories for pickup trucks and other vehicles. Capitalizing upon the association of trucks with machismo, truck nuts resemble human testicles inside scrota of various colors."

Really, America? I mean, really? This is the country that invented the airplane, the phonograph, car radios, chocolate chip cookies (how AWESOME is that?), the digital computer, Teflon, microwave ovens, the mobile phone, video games, the heart-lung machine, compact discs, food banks, smoke detectors, the microprocessor, Post-it notes, the Space Shuttle, the Internet, GPS and TiVo, among other things. And what have we worked up to at what should be the pinnacle of American ingenuity and intellectual capabilities?

Truck nuts.

Well done.

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