Saturday, January 12, 2013

January Blog A Day: #11 Confession(s)

I confess that I'm writing this post one day late, because yesterday was extremely busy and I remembered at 12:30 am that I hadn't written one yet, and was too tired to do it then.

I confess that sometimes when I'm weighing food on a scale to figure out a serving,when there is too much in the bowl, I'll take it out to make a serving, then eat the remainder.

I confess that I really enjoy days when my children are in school because I appreciate the quiet time and the chance to get a lot done at home or run errands by myself.

I confess that I can't get away with anything for long because of my guilty conscience, which I suspect is God's way of having kept me out of more trouble in my life.

I confess that one reason I decided not to have a third child was because of my fear of having a child with special needs, not realizing that I already had two children with special needs (one with ADHD/OCD and oppositional defiance, one with Autism and, now, epilepsy).  I guess I *was* strong enough to handle parenting special-needs children after all.

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