Thursday, January 3, 2013

January Blog a Day: #2 Two

Two.  Huh.  I don't know that I have a lot to say about Two.

Two is the number of children we have.  For a long time, I thought we'd have three, maybe even four children.  It became apparent about the time we decided to try for a third, though, that the two we had really needed our full attention and time and that dividing ourselves further was not going to be a good thing, for them or for us.  And our lives are very full as it is with those two.  They are a job of work, let me tell you.  But they also are awesome and funny and sweet, and they give us lots of love and hugs and kisses, and they like to laugh and make us laugh, and they have shaped us in ways that we would not have otherwise been shaped without them.

Two Towers.  That's my favorite of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.  I think it's because of the epic battle at Helm's Deep, and so many awesome moments that take place in the movie, and the humor that is present through many of the parts with Gimli and Legolas.  I love all the movies, but that is the one I love best.

This is the second house we've owned.  When we chose it, it was largely because of the feeling we had when we were in it, along with the fact that we basically could just move in and didn't need to do anything major to make it a nice place to live.  We did some painting and later have done some other work on it, but our first house was such a fixer to make it look nice, so it was great to move into something that was already nice-looking and had been recently redone inside.

Not much else for two going through my mind, other than cheesy old songs and slogans from TV commercials, and you don't want to hear those, trust me.

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