Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January Blog A Day: #16 I Would Do Anything for Love...But I Won't Do That

Yes, that is the topic of the day for the January Blog A Day challenge.  At first, all I could think of was, of course, the song by Meat Loaf (aka Michael Lee Aday, aka Marvin Lee Aday).  Does he go by Mr. Loaf when he's addressed formally, or Mr. Aday?  Do people who know him really well just call him Meat?

But I digress.  Now I'm thinking about the things that I wouldn't do for anyone, no matter how much I love them.

  • Bungee jump - My one exception to this rule is that, if James and I were running The Amazing Race, and he was somehow incapacitated and the only way we could stay in the Race was if I were to bungee jump, then there's probably an 80% chance that I would do it rather than forfeit the task and cause a situation where we'd probably get out.
  • Eat a bunch of cilantro - I hate hate HATE cilantro.  I know a number of people who love it and think it is tasty and fresh.  I think the stench and flavor of it ruins anything it touches.  It is my culinary nemesis, the bane of my palate's existence.  I might as well eat a bar of Dove soap, because it tastes as good.  And no, I wouldn't eat a bar of soap for love, either.
  • Watch Family Guy - I've watched and appreciated The Simpsons and Futurama, and King of the Hill, too.  I've never seen the appeal of Family Guy.  I saw an episode of Bones recently where the homicidal baby Stewie made a few appearances, and I cursed the name of the person who came up with that concept and forced Stewie upon us.
  • Run a marathon - Not gonna happen.  Have you seen that e-card that is going around that says "If you ever see me running, you'd better start running, too"?  That could have been written by me.  I don't run.  I've always hated it.  I do, however, admire people who run long distances because I know that takes some dedication, training and persistence when your body wants to give up.
  • Pick up a spider without something in between my hand and the spider - I actually feel guilty when I kill a spider outright, unless it's one of those hairy crunchy-looking really scary ones that look like they deserve it.  Otherwise, my preference is to relocate them, but trying to pick one up barehanded just freaks me out.
  • Stop eating cookie dough - Do I really need to say more about this one?

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